Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Thursday, January 7th, 2021
The Board of Directors of the Bovell Cancer Diabetes Foundation greets our members, volunteers, and supporters at the end of 2020, one of the most un- precedented years in our history for the entire world. We were forced to post- pone most of our annual face-to-face events including our Flagship Fundraiser, our school children poster competition, our video monologue contest, among others.
Cancer Workshop
Tuesday, December 8th, 2020
Join us for the BCDF Virtual Cancer Workshop on 12th December, 2020 at 4 p.m. Trinidad time. Register to join the conversation on Cancer and Covid-19. Stamp out Cancer, think and act on World Cancer Day Slogan "I am and I will."

Virtual Diabetes in the Limelight Jamboree
Friday, October 30th, 2020
The 12th Annual "Diabetes in the Limelight Jamboree" will be held virtually this year, on the 7th November, 2020 online, starting at 4 pm Trinidad and Tobago time. Click through to see the flier and read the details of everything that will be available at this year's jamboree. And of course, don't forget to register!
Virtual Par-Tea Time
Saturday, August 1st, 2020
Come Relax and Kickback virtually with BCDF at our "Sip and Chat" Recreational & Educational Fundraiser. With much more than just tea!
BCDF's Work Continues Through COVID-19
Sunday, May 10th, 2020
The Board of Directors, members and volunteers of BCDF hope that you are each doing well. This is an unprecedented time, and our lives have certainly and suddenly been disrupted in some way. BCDF hopes that you are each finding the support community you need.

BCDF Flagship Annual Fundraiser
Sunday, May 10th, 2020
Our flagship fundraiser is the annual, outdoor breakfast and diabetes awareness morning, which is usually held in April. However, due to COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to have the event this year. Please support our cause. Any donation is appreciated. As a small token of our appreciation, all donors will be listed by name and/or logo on our website and/or in our quarterly newsletter "Diabetes Discourse" if desired.
Children and Teen Hangout Session
Saturday, April 4th, 2020
The Bovell Cancer-Diabetes Foundation (BCDF) is hosting free online sessions for children and teens who are out of school in light of the social distancing measures introduced to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Video Monologue Contest
Saturday, October 5th, 2019
Are you attending secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago? If so, send us a 3 minute video monologue for a chance to win cash prizes and a Challenge Trophy. See more details in the flyer.

Poster Competition
Saturday, October 5th, 2019
The Bovell Cancer-Diabetes Foundation is sponsoring its 11th island-wide poster competition among school students aged 6 to 15 years to help raise awareness about diabetes prevention and effective management. This year's theme is the Protect Your Family. Create a poster to WIN prize money, and help PREVENT diabetes!

Diabetes in the Limelight Jamboree
Saturday, October 5th, 2019
The 11th Annual "Diabetes in the Limelight Jamboree" will be held on the 8th November, 2019 at the Roxborough Sporting Complex, starting at 10 am. Click through to see the flier and read the details of everything that will be available at this year's jamboree.