Diabetes Education Made simple: Fruits, Serving and Portion Sizes
Although fruit is an excellent snack which provides vitamins, minerals and extra fluid, it is still is considered a carbohydrate and must be counted in your daily allowance. Generally, you are allowed between 2 - 4 servings of carbohydrate per meal. It depends on your weight, activity level and blood sugar control. Usually 2 - 3 servings of fruit a day are considered reasonable.
Naturally White Foods vs Refined White Foods
According to the American Heart Association, low fiber diets increase risk of heart disease, the leading cause of complication and death in diabetes. White refined foods increase insulin resistance, which is a precursor to, as well as a component of type 2 diabetes (T2D). When we consider eating typical white refined foods such as white bread and white flour products, white rice or white sugar products, we should think about keeping them to a minimum for several reasons.